We deliver training courses on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and liberty protection (including the new Liberty Protection Safeguards) for health and adult social care audiences. We have 18 modules to choose from.
Our modules are 2.5 hours long and are the building blocks of our training programmes. They are delivered at Levels 2, 3, 4 and 5 and you can choose any combination of modules, depending upon tlearning outcomes you want to meet. All modules are built around training transfer, helping your staff to apply what they learn to the workplace.
If you’d like to discuss your organisation’s training need, please contact us.
Module 1
An introduction to the HRA 1998
Module 2
Autonomy, capacity and consent
Module 3
Advance decision-making
Module 4
Introduction to deprivation of liberty
Module 5
Assessing capacity
Module 6
Fluctuating capacity, influence, duress
Module 7
Recording a mental capacity assessment
Module 8
Assessing capacity: don’t let the tail wag the dog
Module 9
Court of Protection and the Office of the Public Guardian
Module 10
Assessing capacity: what’s love got to do with it?
Module 11
Social media: capacity, best interests and internet use
Module 12
Making best interests decisions under the MCA 2005
Module 13
Capacity, best interests and religious observance
Module 14
Understanding the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Module 15
Understanding deprivation of liberty in the community
Module 16
Understanding deprivation of liberty: 21A challenges
Module 17
Introduction to the Liberty Protection Safeguards
Module 18
Deprivation of liberty: children and young people