We're working on the 3%
Take a recent example. Over a 14 week period, we trained and provided learning support to more than 500 managers and staff of care and nursing homes, and supported living settings, in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames area. Here are just a few examples of the comments we received.
“The training is excellent. It has given me a clear understanding of the Mental Capacity Act and DoLS.”
“The course highlighted the importance of treating people I care for with consideration and respecting their humanity and individuality.”
“All of the 5 principles apply to my daily work. Now I consciously think which principle is applicable in a given situation and apply it.”
“Learning support enabled me to bring specific examples, help with understanding the Codes of Practice better and how to use them most effectively.”
“MCA is now a permanent agenda item and staff have a much greater understanding of what this means for them.”
“I am now better able to understand the legislation and Codes of Practice and therefore apply these on a daily basis.”